Pete was right, we as nation agree that we must stand for freedom and we must stand with Hong KongHello John,

We want to make sure you saw Pete's email where he explained how it is unacceptable and against everything we stand for as a nation for the NBA to continue to cave into pressure from a repressive government solely to appease its growing audience overseas.

We are receiving a great response! We agree that we, as a nation, must stand for freedom and stand with Hong Kong. So please, make a donation to help Pete as he stands for Freedom.


Team Stauber

-------Forwarded message--------
From: Pete Stauber
To: Team
Date: October 26, 2019
Subject: Shaq is right...

One of our best values in America is free speech. We are allowed to say what we want to say and we are allowed to speak up about injustices...whenever you see something going wrong anywhere in the world you should have the right to say, ‘that's not right'.

That is a quote from former NBA player Shaquille O'Neal, rightfully defending our freedom of speech against China. While most of America agrees with him, the NBA chooses to bow and grovel to a repressive Chinese government pressure.

Here is what the NBA cares about: their bottomline and protecting their growing audience overseas. But here is our bottomline- we have the right and the chance to fight for freedom. To what extent does the NBA continue to give into pressure from a repressive government? Where do they draw the line? At first glance the NBA’s stance seems trivial but upon further examination you find the most important fact: how the NBA reacts represents how we, as a country are seen by the rest of the world. Thats important.

Thank you for your time.

Pete Stauber

Paid for by Pete Stauber for Congress Volunteer Committee

Email sent to [email protected] by Pete Stauber for Congress Volunteer Committee 23 W Central Entrance, Box 333 Duluth, MN 55811