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Monday, October 25th, 2021


How a $7611 Monthly Social Security Check Became $1473 and Why Digital Money Won’t Stop This Theft

Bill Sardi

The Military Origins of Facebook

Whitney Webb

Joe Biden’s (Don’t) Caring Economy

David Stockman

The Bitcoin ETF – Dare I Say, “It’s a Trap”?

Thomas Luongo

Putin for President? If Illegals Can Vote in Biden’s America, Why Not?

Boyd D. Cathey

Why Is No One Talking About FX’s ‘Impeachment’ Series?

Jack Cashill

The Great Divide

Taki Theodoracopulos

Snowden Tells The Belmarsh Tribunal: If You Love Truth, You’re as Much of a Criminal as Assange And Risk Sharing His Fate


Is Newsom Punishing Those Who Tried To Recall Him?

Kerry Jackson

“David’s Law”: How the Amess Attack Will Be Used To Control the Internet

Kit Knightly

Mandate or Freedom: An Open Letter to Corporate CEOs

Jon Rappoport

Dr. Mercola’s 2021 Biohacking Lecture

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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