Folks — The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act is gaining huge bipartisan momentum in the U.S. Senate.

Fellow New Mexico Senator Ben Ray Lujan just signed on as a co-sponsor, bringing the total number of co-sponsors to 29.

This important piece of legislation will protect endangered species, create jobs across the country, and make significant investments in wildlife and habitat conservation. It will also provide New Mexico with about $28 million federal dollars to help protect species in need of conservation each year.

We cannot wait to act. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed removing 23 species from the Federal Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants due to extinction.

The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act is the solution.

If you’re with me, take the next step by becoming a citizen co-sponsor of the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act. It’s time Congress acts to protect our wildlife and their natural habitats.


We can’t pass up any opportunity to protect our planet and wildlife. By passing the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, we can invest in conservation efforts and give species the protections they deserve.

Thank you for making your voice heard on this important issue.

— Martin



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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125
United States