
As the Socialists in Congress continue to lead America down the wrong path, I know stopping their destructive agenda is one of our top priorities. 

Socialism is a human disaster everywhere it has been tried. The Radical Left wants to expand this ideology and grow our federal government. They don't want Americans to earn based on their talent and work ethic, instead they want everyone dependent on government welfare!

Their recent $3.5 trillion “human infrastructure bill” was just a taste of the policies they want to ram through our nation’s Congress. Including federally funded pre-school, tuition-free community college, and massive tax hikes. If we don't stop this radical, out-of-control agenda, who knows what they will be willing to try next!
Socialism goes against everything our country stands for. We are a nation of innovators, self-starters, and entrepreneurs, which is why I am counting on you to pitch in today and take a stand against Socialism and its dangerous influence here in Texas and America!

For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne