
I write this morning to ask you to vote for two excellent leaders, Christian Dorsey and Katie Cristol and the full list of Democratic leaders on the ballot. Nothing we do on November 5th will be more important than re-electing Christian and Katie. I am confident both are in great shape to win, but we must make sure to vote for them and the other Democrats on the ballot who all share our commitment to improving the American Dream here in Arlington.
County Board Chair Christian Dorsey
Christian's work getting Metro back to good and his leadership of the County Board this year have significantly improved our community and been inspiring. We must re-elect him to continue the work on equity that he has initiated this year as Chair of the Board. 
County Board Member Katie Cristol
Katie's leadership on the child care initiative and thoughtful stewardship in growing our economy in an inclusive way as Chair of the County Board last year have moved forward our shared ideals in a big way. 

Both Christian and Katie have also been carrying heavy loads this year on transportation. Let's be sure to vote for them and all the Democrats on the ballot. Let's also support them by sharing that you will vote with friends, canvassing for them, by volunteering as poll greeters in person, or by asking others to vote via social media or via email. 
Click here to Poll Greet for Christian and Katie
If you cannot poll greet, please be sure to vote on November 5th or before, if you qualify for absentee in person voting this week and Saturday at the Courthouse.

We must reelect these two outstanding leaders and all the great Democratic leaders who are on the ballot. And we must do so with the margins they both deserve.


P.S. Want to volunteer in Arlington, but don't want to poll greet? Have questions about Christian and Katie?  Email in response to this message and I will follow up.  
Matt for Arlington
Matt for County Board
Authorized by Matt for Arlington

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