PFAW Member, ANOTHER one of PFAW's progressive champions in next week's Virginia elections has just come under racist attack in a disgusting mailer sent by the Republican Party of Virginia. Delegate Kelly Fowler -- who PFAW helped elect in 2017, is endorsed once again this year by PFAW's Next Up Victory Fund, and is easily one of the MOST targeted/vulnerable Democrats of the election in her very closely split district -- just became the subject of a race-baiting smear aimed at whipping up unfounded fear of immigrants and Latinos and tying Fowler to violent gang members because of her own Latinx heritage. PFAW's Right Wing Watch has already reported on the attack -- which features an image that has become a favorite of Republicans in their anti-immigrant ads of gang members who are supposed to represent immigrants but who are really prisoners in El Salvador -- and now we're also coming to you for help. Please take a moment to read the powerful message Kelly sent to her supporters (below) and then consider splitting a donation on ActBlue between Kelly's campaign and PFAW to help her fight back against this racist smear and help PFAW protect Kelly's seat and flip Virginia's state legislature from red to blue with progressive victories across the state! ---[Begin Forwarded Message from Del. Kelly Fowler:]--- Dear Supporter, My 7-year old daughter, Sophie, brought in the mail. She asked me, "Why were you in this picture with those scary men?" I had to explain to her why my opponent, Shannon Kane, put me in this racist mailer. It's heart-breaking to have to explain to my kids why Shannon is attacking our heritage and is trying to scare people of our Latinx community. Our campaign has prioritized running a clean campaign with ads that stick to talking about the issues and the record. It's appalling to see my opponent send out a mailer to thousands of community members that aligns me with dangerous gang members just because I am Latinx. Can you help us fight back against this racist ad? Character counts in politics, and Kane's blatant dog-whistle is dangerous. Our community deserves better. We couldn't agree with Kelly more. Thank you for everything you do! -- PFAW’s Elections Team ![]()