Hello John,
My name is Erin. I’m a proud West Virginian organizer and I've been working all year with RepresentUs to push Senator Manchin to pass the Freedom to Vote Act.
When the Senate blocked the bill on Wednesday, we knew we had to do something bold to up the pressure on Senator Manchin to get this bill through the filibuster. So we created a new ad calling Manchin out specifically, and we're planning to air it during a big West Virginia University football game.
But we only have 12 hours until our deadline to raise the remaining $4,920.13 of our $10,000 goal. Will you pitch in to make sure Senator Manchin sees this ad?
Every tactic we've used in West Virginia so far has been timely and effective:
- When Joe Manchin wavered on supporting a democracy reform bill, we placed dozens of huge billboard ads with his face to pressure him until he changed his tune. Shortly after that, he co-sponsored the Freedom to Vote Act.
- Then we organized veterans and business leaders to speak with Senators Manchin and Capito – showing that key constituencies are behind this bill.
- We have raised awareness about what the bill will do by covering the state in digital and TV ads. Now everyone I speak with already knows that the Freedom to Vote Act would save our democracy by stopping gerrymandering and dark money.
Now we need Senator Manchin's help to overcome the obstruction in the Senate. We need to send him a clear, timely message about getting this across the finish line. Thousands of eyes will be on this ad when it airs, causing a stir across West Virginia and in Manchin's offices.
There’s no question in my mind that if we expand our campaign and air our new ad, we’ll get his attention and get him to fix the filibuster.
Will you donate now to help us raise $4,920.13 by midnight so we can launch our new ad and extend our organizing campaign in West Virginia?

Thank you!
Erin Lehman
West Virginia Organizer