Friend – it wasn’t exactly easy growing up as a Black girl from a poor family in the South – the youngest of seven children who went to segregated schools.
It wasn’t easy for my parents – Dad a janitor, Mom a maid – but they did whatever they could to support us. While none of it was particularly easy, I’m very proud to have been the first in my family to graduate from college.
Much like my past, nothing about the road ahead – taking on an incumbent like Marco Rubio, whose seat the entire Republican establishment is pouring millions into protecting – is easy. But I’m never one to tire from a challenge, and I know that if I have grassroots support from people like you, we’ll win.
I'm proud of this team for the momentum you've helped me build so far, but I'm counting on supporters like you to contribute just $5 or more now if we're going to keep going – together.