I would be so grateful to learn what issues matter most to you and your families.
Annette Taddeo for Florida Governor


My team would be so grateful to learn what issues matter most to you and your family.

We just opened our very first Democratic Priorities Survey since I announced my candidacy for Florida’s Governor.

Will you take this short survey and let us know what’s on your mind?



First, let me start off this email with a thank you.

The support and words of encouragement I’ve heard from each and every one of you since we launched this campaign for Governor has been overwhelming.

But as we move forward, I want to make sure we’re checking in with those who matter the most: that’s you, John.

I know it’s going to be your input that helps guide my strategy to take on Ron DeSantis and become the next Governor of Florida -- because a campaign that doesn’t listen to the people they wish to represent isn’t a true campaign for the people.

As a Floridian, I have so many thoughts on how our government could better serve communities. But I want to know what you think, John.

That’s why I’m reaching out to you today.

I just launched my very first Priorities Survey so I can learn what issues you think I should focus on as my campaign progresses.

I need 250 grassroots responses before my very first survey closes.


Yours in the fight,


Annette Taddeo is a small business owner who is running to defeat Ron DeSantis and become the first Latina governor of Florida.

Email is the best way to stay up-to-date with Annette's campaign.

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1742 W Flagler Street
Miami, FL 33135
[email protected]


Paid by Annette Taddeo, Democrat, for Governor

Contributions or gifts to Annette Taddeo for Governor are not tax deductible.