Here’s the important next step of our organizing program.
You might have heard the news — we’ve got brand new, union-printed literature making the rounds through our campaign office! This is a big deal, and the crucial next step in building out our robust organizing program.

And when I say robust, John, I mean *really* robust. We’re hoping to hire a team of organizers to reach voters in all of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. That’s because our campaign believes deeply in the power of organizing, and we know it’s a crucial part of our strategy to put John in the U.S. Senate.
That’s why in a minute, I'm going to respectfully ask you to chip in $5 to directly fund our goal of hiring our team of organizers to get this fresh literature out on doors across Pennsylvania.
Before I get to that, I wanted to make sure you're filled in on exactly what the plan is, what it's going to take to fund it:
Organizers reaching voters in every Pennsylvania county is Team Fetterman's strategy to go on offense when it comes to flipping this seat blue. We're planning to ramp up a *massive* voter outreach effort across all 67 counties. But first — we have to find the resources to make crucial hires in the hardest-to-reach counties in our Commonwealth.
Basically, we've got to make sure we have the resources before we give this big expense the green light. 🚦
Can you chip in $5, or any amount that makes sense for you, to make these crucial hires across Pennsylvania and get our new literature on the doors? We're still not at our goal to fully-fund this plan, but we're really hoping we can get there before the month ends — especially with you on board.
Contribute $5
We’re really getting after it, John. You know the drill: We’re registering voters, removing barriers between voters and the ballot, and getting out the vote. You might even see a member of our team at your door!
Thank you for being a part of this campaign, because none of this would be possible without you. See you out there!
Celeste Trusty
Political Director
John Fetterman for U.S. Senate