The New York Times reports on the wrecking ball Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are taking to the president's Build Back Better plan and the Democratic agenda:

"The West Virginia Democrat has been clear that he wants to see a much cheaper, less generous, more targeted, and less environmentally friendly measure than the one Mr. Biden and Democrats originally envisioned..."

"Kyrsten Sinema is said to want to cut at least $100 billion from the bill’s climate programs and is opposed to raising tax rates to pay for the plan."

We've found this to be a useful rule in politics: When politics makes your frustrated and angry, turn that anger into action and do something about it. Here's a worthy action you can take today:

Donate here to 4 progressive Senate candidates working to expand the Democratic majority so no 1 or 2 senators can do the damage Manchin and Sinema are doing right now.

These four bold progressive candidates are all running for U.S. Senate seats currently held by Republicans. Two are running in open races in swing states where Republicans are retiring. NONE accept corporate campaign donations.

OHIO's Senate seat is wide open because of Republican Senator Rob Portman's retirement. We've endorsed consumer protection attorney, anti-monopoly advocate, community organizer, and long-time PCCC ally Morgan Harper. Morgan can bring together the coalition Democrats need to win in Ohio: Black voters, women, young voters, and independents. She's great.

WISCONSIN is ripe for flipping its Republican-held Senate seat, and recent polls show bold progressive Mandela Barnes with a big lead in Wisconsin's Democratic Senate primary. Cook Political Report rates this race a toss up. CNN reports that Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson's evolution into a conspiracy promoter has driven Republican voters and even some Republican Party leaders to turn on him.

IN MISSOURI, the retiring Republican senator barely won his last election with 49.2% of the vote. One of the top Republican candidates is the unhinged, right-wing lunatic who got famous threatening Black Lives Matter protestors with a gun. Bold progressive, U.S. Marine veteran, and crusader against corporate monopolies Lucas Kunce is the Democrat who can win in a decidedly winnable Missouri.

KENTUCKY is notoriously red, but elected a Democratic Governor in 2019. That and these two quotes from bold progressive 2022 U.S. Senate candidate Charles Booker give us reason to believe that with strong support "from the hood to the holler," Kentucky can elect a Democratic senator in 2022:

"Kentucky is not a 'red state.' It’s a disenfranchised state. It’s a place where the number of people who don’t vote outnumber those who do. If we change that, we will send Rand Paul packing."

"I grew up in one of the poorest zip codes in Kentucky. Both of my parents had to drop out of high school to help take care of our family. I’ve had to ration my insulin; and I’ve been homeless. My mom often went without eating so that I could. I’ve lived the struggle other politicians only talk about."

With an expanded majority and an expanded Senate map -- led by bold progressives like these who don't take corporate donations -- no 1 or 2 senators will be able to do what Manchin and Sinema are doing right now.

Turn your anger into action. Chip in $4 to 4 progressive Senate candidates fighting for a bigger, bolder, PROGRESSIVE majority in the U.S. Senate that works for everyday people -- NOT big corporations and lobbyists.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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