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Dear Friend,

Our report on combating Critical Race Theory in Mississippi has received enormous public interest across local, state, and national media.
The Sun Herald & the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal ran opinion columns about it. Nationally, the Associated Press wrote extensively about our report. 

However, for me, the icing on the cake was the fact that the ultra progressive MSNBC tried to run a hit piece on it.

When THE leading progressive television channel nation-wide is attacking a state-level think tank, you know we’re on target and are helping move the dial of public opinion. 

Have a great weekend!

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO

Ps. The Heritage Foundation and the Mississippi Center for Public Policy have teamed up to bring you an event of Critical Race Theory here in Jackson Mississippi on November 9th. Please click here for details and come along!


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Douglas stopped by SuperTalk to break down our most recent policy paper and explain why he believes CRT is so incredibly dangerous to the republic. Click to watch.
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