Lt. Gov Dan Patrick

Property Tax Relief

At the start of the third Special Session, I made property tax relief our top financial priority in the Texas Senate. Unanimously and at warp speed, we passed a financial package that tackles a variety of issues the people of Texas have asked us to address — including issues with property taxes, COVID-19 relief, businesses, and education.

Using both the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and state dollars, we will invest in COVID-19 public safety salary compensation, broadband infrastructure, Texas food banks, and more — while still keeping nearly $3 billion of the ARPA funds in reserve.

We are also announcing a bold plan to create endowments in the 2023 Texas budget to preserve historic buildings, sites, and our state parks for future generations. These endowments will help with maintenance and repair so that our wonderful parks and historical sites remain world-class.

The property tax relief measures passed during the Special Session will save homeowners thousands over the lifetime of their homes. We are permanently increasing the homestead exemption from $25,000 to $40,000 for every homeowner. In 2015, I increased the homestead exemption for the first time in decades from $15,000 to $25,000. Since I became Lt. Governor, the homestead exemption is $25,000 more than before.

The new increase in the homestead exemption will save every homeowner $175 per year over the lifetime of their home. This expansion in the homestead exemption combined with what I passed in 2015, totals over $300 in savings per year for homeowners and will save thousands for the average homeowner over the lifetime of ownership.

The increased homestead exemption added to SB 2 that we passed in 2019, which reduces tax increases tied to appraised increases from an average of 7-8% a year down to an average of 3.5% or less per year, will save thousands more for homeowners who have a homestead exemption over the home's lifetime.

Texas homeowners must receive tax relief before we commit to any new spending.

Texans are demanding property tax relief. The Texas Senate heard their call, and we passed this critical legislation. I am proud we took this step forward in providing relief for Texas homeowners.

I am committed to fighting for Texas taxpayers to keep more of their own money. May I count on your support of $5-10-25 or more today to continue fighting for fiscal responsibility and lower taxes?

Your support will help our campaign champion conservative ideas across Texas. Because when the conservatives win, Texas wins.

May God bless you and your family, and may He continue to bless the greatest state of all—Texas.


Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick
Lieutenant Governor of Texas

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Matthew 20:26 (NLT)

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