Striketober is here and in full effect. If you have extra money to throw around (I know, no one does these days) please consider donating to some of the mutual aid groups that are supporting these strikes. May they ALL be successful in winning their demands!
Julian Assange is being murdered in slow motion before the whole world's eyes for the crime of exposing war criminals within the US government, and so many are silent out of fear or reprisal or because they believe the government's lies about working for foreign governments.

The lead witness is a pedophile and diagnosed sociopath who admitted to lying about the hacking charge in order to strike a deal with the FBI, and has since been arrested in Iceland. And yet the persecution of Assange, who is a political prisoner, continues.

Please join us outside Napa College as we wave signs to raise awareness about his plight. 5 PM- 6 PM on Oct 25 and 26.
I took a clip of Liv Romano and JayBe of Fred Hampton Leftists (on which I am now a regular panelist) discussing the Line 3 protests in Washington D.C, Extinction Rebellion and the arrest and brutalization of 1000 indigenous protestors, as well as a short video on Line 3 by Winona LaDuke. If we are able to halt the climate crisis, these are the folks who will have led the charge. This is who you should be supporting.
Capitalism is: a system that funnels money to the richest people, who don't pay taxes and try to pay their employees as little as possible while investing in stock buy backs and war, who manipulate people's minds through the media they own, into thinking the answer to our problems is to give rich people more money.
So much of the funding that goes to schools to educate our kids actually goes to inflated administrator salaries. I'm sure that's not news to a lot of folks, but this is Ronald Kraft, the president of Napa College. He makes over $320,000 per year. For what? What does he do? He isn't teaching classes, but a lot of the teachers at Napa College make less than $60,000 per year. The same for the administration staff. The Board of Trustees, of which Kraft is an employee, seem to decide the policies.
I went to Napa College for a few years, and have revisited the campus several times, and I have no idea what this man does. The only thing I can think of is drinking wine with other rich people and trying to talk them into public-private partnerships that extract money from the school and profit the rich - this is a form of privatization that I have personally heard some trustees push as good policy. This man gets paid FIVE TIMES what some of the educators and administrators make! Do you think that drinking wine with wine country oligarchs like Kathryn Hall, thrower of wine cave fund raisers, is five times as hard as being a teacher at the junior college level?
This man's salary is extracted from the teachers, who work a hell of a lot harder than he does! And to carry it farther, his salary is being extracted from our community, because satisfied teachers that feel appreciated and valued make better teachers.
The US coup on Syria is a failure. Bashar al Assad has been meeting with leaders in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and United Arab Emirates. US troops in Syria are in grave danger and need to be withdrawn completely. Right now.
Congressperson Mike Thompson is not fighting for higher wages, he's not fighting to avoid an eviction crisis, he's not fighting for stronger unions, he's not even fighting for stronger healthcare. He's actually controlled opposition to all of these things- saying nice things but failing to act in any substantial way.
Mike Thompson needs to go! Let's join together and make this his last term in office, and replace him with a member of a movement. Let me know if you're willing to donate your time to passing out postcards or if you're willing to donate a few dollars to help with paying for postcards and gas, you can do so at CrowdPAC or PalPay below.
There is a country that is oppressing its own people by locking them up in brutal camps. Satellite imagery of this country's prisons reveal that they are disproportionately arresting millions of their minority population, who suffer more sever penalties than the majority population, many of them haven't even committed a crime but are caged just for being poor.
Inside these prisons of minorities they are being exploited for slave labor by thousands of companies, and are often deprived of basic necessities. There have been tens of thousands of rapes and beatings inside the prisons, so many that forced sterilizations were implemented. This is cultural genocide. And guess what? This country is the United States, but the government wants you to focus on China to protect the for-profit prison industrial complex.
We had a technical issue with our CrowdPAC link. That issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience. Our campaign has just begun and early contributions will help us get off the ground and will be very much appreciated. Thank you.
I'll never accept money from billionaires, corporations or corporate PACs. That ensures that I will always put the people first.

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