
There are no “moderates” in the Biden administration.

The Socialist agenda has become the new norm for house Democrats. The proof is in their policies: reckless spending, massive tax hikes, and skyrocketing prices. Even Biden’s dismal job report - his big campaign promise - was a flop.

Is this what Americans want? Does their Socialist agenda help Americans? Take our poll below:
Expanded government programs only help the government. Take, for instance, the expanded IRS proposal. When the fluffy terms are ignored, this will allow the IRS to spy on your private financial information to prevent “tax fraud.” 

America was built upon the freedom and liberty of its citizens, not Socialist spending programs.

Tom works tirelessly to protect your wallet from Leftist agendas. We will take back the House in 2022 and put an end to Biden’s radical policies. 

But what do you think? Do you agree with their Socialist agenda? Make your voice heard by taking the poll below:
For our country, 

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