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** October 22, 2021
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** By Brendan Brown
** Three Thing the Fed Must to Normalize Bond Markets ([link removed])
Policy normalization—defined as closing down the nonconventional toolbox and restoring a well-functioning price-signaling mechanism to the bond market—is difficult but possible.
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** By Jason Morgan
** What Spooner Can Teach Us in Our Age of Neofacism ([link removed])
Neo-Spoonerism: there is no treason against the federal government, because the federal government does not abide by the document which it claims as its foundational authority to govern.
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** By Murray N. Rothbard
** Rothbard: With Interest Rates, "There Are Two Opposite Causal Chains at Work." ([link removed])
The relative strength and reaction times of changes in rates depend on the subjective expectations of the public. These changes—like economic changes in general—cannot be forecast with certainty.
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