From <[email protected]>
Subject Evening with Labor Update: Important info about ads and tickets!
Date October 22, 2021 5:58 PM
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The Metro Washington Labor Council's annual Evening with Labor is now just a few short weeks away!

Please review the updates below carefully, as they contain important information about EWL tickets, ads and attendee registration and deadlines.

The [link removed] 2021 EWL is scheduled to take place Friday, November 12, from 7-9:30pm, as a hybrid event with both in-person and virtual attendance options.

Ads: Final deadline for updated or new program book ads is Friday, October 29; to order a new ad, [link removed] click here; if you've already sent in an updated ad, Thank You ([link removed] click here to find and review your ad).

Schedule: 7p Cocktail/Network Hour; 8pm Awards/Dinner; 9:30 wrap-up.

COVID Protocols: Anyone attending in-person must provide proof of vaccination or of a recent (72 hours) negative covid test. We will provide a link to upload this information safely and securely.

Tickets (already purchased): If you have purchased ticket(s) or table(s) to EWL, you must complete the [link removed] Table Registration form! Deadline is Friday, October 29.

Due to Martin's COVID restrictions, we are only allowed to have 8 guests at a table. If you purchased a table for the April 3, 2020 event, you were offered 10 tickets for each table. As a result we have planned a virtual attendance option which will provide each table sponsor with 8 tickets for in-person and 2 tickets for your guests to participate virtually (A link will be provided for those who wish to attend virtually).

If you purchased 2 tables you will receive 16 in-person tickets and 4 virtual tickets

If you purchased 3 tables you will receive 24 in-person and 6 virtual tickets.

Tickets (new): [link removed] Click here if you wish to purchase new ticket(s). Note that space is limited but we will make every effort to accommodate those who wish to participate in the Evening with Labor celebration.

Virtual attendance option: A link will be provided for those who have purchased tickets but wish to attend virtually.

Questions: If you have questions on any of the above, contact Chris Garlock at mailto:[email protected] [email protected].

We're really looking forward to your participation in this year's Evening with Labor, when we'll honor our awardees, celebrate our victories, pay tribute to those we've lost, and re-dedicate ourselves to the struggle for worker rights and labor solidarity.

Dyana Forester

President, Metro Washington Labor Council AFL-CIO

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