John, when corporations and rich executives exploit us to turn a profit, working people use their power to fight back.
Last week, more than 10,000 John Deere workers in Illinois, Iowa, and Kansas went on strike to demand better compensation, benefits, and an end to their unfair pension system.
Nearly 25 years ago, Deere divided its workforce into two tiers where new hires got paid less, didn’t receive healthcare after retirement, and received a pension about one-third of what their predecessors earned. Now, the company wants to end the pension program entirely for new hires at a time when the company is expected to make record profits between $5.7 and $5.9 billion in revenue by the end of the year.
Can you add your name to our petition with More Perfect Union and other progressive partners calling on John Deere to pay ALL workers a fair wage with benefits, including health and retirement?
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It gets worse: John Deere raised prices on its products by 8% in 2021, citing inflation, and CEO John May has seen his pay skyrocket. He received a 160% salary increase last year.
All across the country, workers are organizing for safe working conditions, living wages, better benefits, and dignity for all. To make a real difference, we must join in solidarity with striking John Deere workers to send an unmistakable message to corporations and their executives that workers deserve a better share of the wealth they create.
Join us in demanding that John Deere meet workers at the bargaining table with the benefits and compensation package they deserve.
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Team WFP

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Paid for by Working Families Party National PAC (77 Sands St. #6, Brooklyn, NY, 11201).