From Chris - NSS <[email protected]>
Subject Your daily media briefing: campaign launched to decriminalise abortion in Britain
Date October 28, 2019 9:53 AM
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** Your daily media briefing - Monday 28 October

In the Media <[link removed]> is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion <[link removed]> and listen to our podcasts on our website.

** Secularism in the media

* Campaign launched to decriminalise abortion in Great Britain <[link removed]>

A campaign has been launched to abolish an old law which means abortion is still technically illegal in England, Scotland and Wales.

Evening Standard

* Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: IS leader 'dead after US raid' in Syria <[link removed]>

The fugitive leader of the Islamic State group killed himself during a US military operation in north-west Syria, President Donald Trump has said.


* Archbishop of Canterbury weighs in on Brexit again <[link removed]>

Justin Welby has spoken out about the use of language in the Brexit debate.

The Independent

* Woman acquitted of buying abortion pills for her daughter after landmark law change in NI <[link removed]>

A woman acquitted of buying abortion pills for her daughter after a landmark law change said she is relieved to move on with her life.

Irish Mirror

* Father launches bid for school evolution lessons in Scotland <[link removed]>

A bid to have evolution taught in primary schools in Scotland has been launched amid concerns that pupils with no religious beliefs are "not represented" in the classroom.

The Scotsman

* Cheshire priest Matthew Jolley jailed for child abuse plan <[link removed]>

A priest has been jailed for attempting to meet a two-year-old boy he wanted to abuse, police have said.


* ‘By the Grace of God eviscerates paedophile priests and Vatican evasion’ <[link removed]>

This review gives a new film about the cover-up of child abuse in the Catholic Church four stars and describes it as "compassionate but forensic".

Time Out

* PCCs call for reassessment of law on assisted dying <[link removed]>

Eighteen police and crime commissioners have signed an open letter to the Ministry of Justice asking for the government to reassess the law on assisted dying.

Dorset Echo

* ‘We should allow assisted dying in the UK’ <[link removed]>

A letter says it is so sad we have to flee to a foreign land to do what is logical.

The Guardian

* Founding principal of Christian colleges charged with historic sex abuse in Australia <[link removed]>

The founding principal of two Christian colleges is facing historical child sex abuse allegations that date back to his time at the schools, in the 1970s and '80s.

The Age

* Jordan urged to stop imprisoning women for defying the wishes of men <[link removed]>

Amnesty International has called on Jordan to end what it has described as an abusive system that jails women if they disobey their male "guardians" or have relationships deemed inappropriate.

The Guardian

** Latest from the NSS

* 'By the Grace of God' shows the need to hold the Catholic Church accountable on child abuse <[link removed]>

Keith Porteous Wood says a film highlighting the struggle to bring a senior Catholic cardinal to account for covering up child abuse is a sign that the Vatican's wall of silence cannot hold.

** Latest NSS podcast

* Ep 17: Thought for the Day | RE in Wales <[link removed]>

In this week's episode, Emma Park is joined by Chris Sloggett and Helen Nicholls to discuss whether BBC Radio 4's Thought for the Day should still be exclusively for "speakers from the world's major faiths". Emma also speaks to Stephen Evans and Alastair Lichten about a consultation on the reform of sex and religious education launched by the Welsh government this month.

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