This is what we mean when we say, the work to completely transform Texas must be a year-round effort.

Ground Game Texas


Across the country, a movement is growing louder the movement for worker power and a living wage.

Thousands of union members across the U.S. are on strike or threatening to strike over pay, working conditions and benefits. From Kellogg's workers to John Deere, and even the entertainment industry — the grassroots movement for worker’s rights is growing and it’s showing no signs of slowing down.

In Texas, we’re fighting for legislation to raise wages and support workers — because these policies are not only vital, they’re a winning formula for mobilizing new voters to the polls. All across the state, we’re working on getting these issues on our local ballots so that Texans have a chance to show up and support policies that match our values.

Our momentum for change is clearly growing, friend — so let’s make sure we have the tools and resources we need. Please donate $5 or more to Ground Game Texas today to help us continue organizing and advocating for living wages, workplace protections, and more.

Support Ground Game Texas

From eliminating pensions and slashing wages to gatekeeping key benefits from workers and fostering wildly harmful working environments, major corporations are attacking the rights that previous generations of workers fought to establish — and today’s workers are coming together to fight back.

But many Texas representatives are deeply interconnected with corporate PACs and lobbying groups who actively work against progressive values. Without our work to transform the Texas electorate, the system will continue to favor special interests over the urgent needs of working people.

This is what we mean when we say, the work to completely transform Texas must be a year-round effort, friend. It’s going to take all of us working together, around the clock, to mobilize enough Texas voters to take on corporate greed and pass pro-worker policies.

If you stand with us and the thousands of activists who are ready to fight for our progressive values, please chip in to help support Ground Game Texas and our efforts today.


Team Ground Game Texas