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Energized, Organized, and Motivated

Americans are not happy right now. Not happy with the listless leadership of President Joe Biden and his handlers. Not happy with empty grocery store shelves. Not happy with high gas prices and inflation that is a hidden tax on all working Americans. We’re only 10 months into the Biden Administration and it is already quite clear that the president has turned over his administration to the far left in his party. Thankfully, we have an opportunity to balance out Washington by winning back the House and Senate next year and this week gave me more and more confidence that Republicans will do just that.

Being at events and talking to fellow Republicans, it is clear that we’re energized, organized, and motivated for victory next November. We know the stakes are high, and we’re prepared to meet them. Our party keeps growing in Indiana. We’re welcoming more and more Hoosiers who feel ignored by the left and are concerned with the radical leftward tilt of the country. We also know what practical, conservative leadership can accomplish because all Hoosiers have benefited from that in Indiana for 16+ years now. I’m looking forward to working with all of my fellow Indiana Republicans to carry this enthusiasm for change through next November!


Photo: Chairman Hupfer speaks at the Lugar Series Annual Luncheon earlier this week in Indianapolis.

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Building One Indiana For All

Governor Holcomb met with Consul General Tajima Hiroshi to discuss the strong relationship between Japan and Indiana. Japan is our state's largest foreign direct investor with 72,000 jobs provided by over 300 Japanese businesses. Governor Holcomb is truly taking Indiana to the world and bringing the world back to Indiana.

Governor Holcomb announced that the thrid round of his Next Level Connections Broadband Grant program has received more than 250 letters of intent requesting a total of more than $606 million in state grant funding with an additional $280 million in matching funds. Gov. Holcomb is committed to delivering affordable, high-speed broadband to every Hoosier in the state.

Photos: Gov. Holcomb meeting with Consul General Tajima Hiroshi.


Chairman Hupfer's Statement on HD 73 Caucus

Indiana Republican Party Chairman Kyle Hupfer issued the following statement on the recently completed caucus in Indiana House District 73:

"Congratulations to J. Davisson on his unanimous caucus victory tonight. I can think of no one better to complete the late Steve Davisson’s term than J. Hoosiers in the 73rd District can expect the legacy of servant leadership Steve established to be seamlessly continued by their new State Representative, J. Davisson.”


Lugar Series Lunch

Congratulations to all the graduates and Lugar Series alum who made this week’s annual luncheon such a great event. Thank you for your leadership!


Chairman Hupfer Op-Ed

Last week Chairman Hupfer penned an op-ed for the Daily Caller discussing another Democrat attempt to takeover state elections.

Read his piece here:


Diversity Series Applications

Applications are now open for the second class of the Indiana Republican Diversity Leadership Series. Click here to apply.

Upcoming Republican Events
October 22: Bartholomew County Reagan Roundup Fall Dinner
October 29: Crawford County Lincoln Day Dinner
November 2: Howard County Elephant Stampede
November 2: Bartholomew County Fundraiser Featuring Mike Pence


News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb honors Hoosier Olympians and Paralympians 
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch passes out winter coats at Lew Wallace School 107
Treasurer Kelly Mitchell highlights National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
Auditor Tera Klutz announces Indiana has received the highest award for financial reporting
Secretary of State Holli Sullivan visits Perry County
Attorney General Todd Rokita provides cybersecurity tips
Senator Todd Young opposes Dems' reckless $3.5 trillion tax-and-spend proposal
Senator Mike Braun criticizes Dems' socialist spending programs
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski is appalled by Dems' scheme for IRS to monitor bank accounts
Congressman Jim Banks criticizes Biden for inflation
Congressman Jim Baird opposes Dem's proposal for IRS to spy on bank accounts
Congresswoman Victoria Spartz visits Wellbridge Surgical in Zionsville
Congressman Greg Pence criticizes Biden's energy crisis
Congressman Larry Bucshon honors the life of Colin Powell
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth tours IBC Advanced Alloys' new expansion

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