
The Radical Left is after our seat and I’m going to need your support to keep Texas red!

In just nine months, we have seen disaster after disaster from the Radical Left. Whether it is defunding our police, the immigration crisis, or crushing new taxes on small businesses, the Democrats are going all out to re-make America in their radical image.

If we want to get our nation back on track, then we are going to have to flip the House in 2022. Fortunately, the American people are waking up to the damage the Democrat extremists are doing to our country and our future. We have to stay on offense and keep reminding people there are BETTER, MORE EMPOWERING SOLUTIONS so we can finally get the conservative policies we deserve.

I know it won't be easy, but with your support, we can get it done and win big in 2022! The Democrats have shown they are prepared to roll out their plans, no matter the cost! I am counting on you to pitch in today and show them Americans will not take another four years of their insane, destructive agenda!

For Texas and America, 
-Beth Van Duyne

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