Three Ways Domestic Violence Is Connected to Pornography

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, an important campaign to consider prevention and recovery efforts along with the nature of domestic violence which impacts millions throughout the world.

Issues like domestic violence do not occur in a vacuum, but are instead shaped and reinforced by issues like prior childhood sexual abuse, sexual assault, and pornography.

It’s time to recognize the links between pornography and domestic violence in order to provide better services and prevention programs to make abuse and exploitation intolerable throughout our culture.

October 31–November 6 is WRAP Week!

Since White Ribbon Against Pornography (WRAP) week started in 1987, advocates throughout the world have participated in tackling the many societal harms of pornography with a special focus starting the last Sunday of October.

Given the pervasiveness of pornography today, it is more vital than ever to raise awareness about the relevant research demonstrating pornography’s harms and the resources available to combat it.

Thousands have participated by proudly wearing or displaying a white ribbon during the week. Other groups have organized protests, letter writing campaigns, call days, support meetings for addicts and their partners, group discussions, sermons at church, and school assemblies.

Visa Should Follow Mastercard's Lead in Combatting Sexual Exploitation

Mastercard is taking an important step to confront—and hopefully end—the horrific abuse on sites hosting pornography. Their new policies for any sites hosting sexually explicit material, which require 'unambiguous consent,' went into effect on October 15, 2021.

Visa and other credit cards now have the opportunity to follow Mastercard’s lead in instituting common-sense rules that prevent them from profiting from videos with child sexual abuse material, sexual assault, rape, and non-consensually shared content.

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