Ask your MP to sign EDM 493 on the AUKUS military pact

Following the shock announcement of the new AUKUS military pact, Members of Parliament have come together in opposition to this provocative move. They have signed Early Day Motion 493, calling on the Prime Minister to comply with the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to promote stability in the Far East through diplomatic means.

The AUKUS agreement between the UK, Australia and United States governments is an extensive military agreement with the spread of nuclear technology at its heart: the US and UK are collaborating with Australia to provide them with nuclear-powered submarines. This is a reckless commitment which risks proliferation and is in breach of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

This dangerous decision by the UK government increases tension in the Indo-Pacific region and is likely to escalate tensions with China. 

Join us in taking action! 

Write to your MP asking them to add their signature.  You can read the full text of the EDM here.



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