DATE: OCTOBER 21, 2021
As we get ready to move into 2022, things are moving forward with the Broward Democratic Party. As a team, we want to make sure you are aware of what is going on here in Broward and the many ways YOU, YOUR FRIENDS, AND FAMILY can help us build a strong effort moving into next year.
CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 20 SPECIAL ELECTION: 13 Candidates are on the primary ballot to fill the open seat caused by the loss of our long-time champion, Congressman Alcee Hastings. The primary is on Nov 2.
The Congressional District 20 Primary Race is 12-days away!

Click on the timer or HERE to find your precinct
Click HERE for early voting location and scheduling information
Click HERE for mail-in ballot drop-off location information
Click HERE to track your ballot
Vote-by Mail ballots have been sent to 59,186 Democrats in Broward County and as of today, 7,659 or 13% of them have already been returned. The Broward Democratic Party area leaders that cover the districts are making phone calls and distributing 25,000 door hangers to help turn out voters in the primary. If you would like to help during GOTV in District 20 and make a difference, you can do it by going to, or email Ryann Greenberg at [email protected] for more information.
Help us with our GOTV program: We need volunteers to help us make phone calls, canvass, or assist outside the polls in CD-20. We need ALL boots on the ground, even if do not live in Congressional District 20!
**Click HERE to phone-bank with us**
Help us get folks out to the polls! - The Phone-bank is open every day 9AM to 9PM - If you need training please reach out to Ryann Greenberg, Field Director.
**See below if you would like to help us at the polls during Early Voting**
In addition to all this, Broward County Democrats are working with the Florida Democratic Party on testing a GOTV program to increase turnout. We are running the test program in 55 of the 139 precincts in Congressional District 20. We are putting the pieces in place as data gathering has already started. We will use the program in the General Election scheduled for Jan 11, 2022. We need to make sure our voters show up again for the general election and don’t take a Democratic Victory for granted. If you are interested in helping with those efforts, please contact Craig Smith at [email protected].
HELP HAS ARRIVED: As one of the largest Democratic counties in the country, the work never stops. While volunteers can do a lot, it's often not enough. So, today I can tell you the party has brought on Ryann Greenberg as staff for the Broward Democratic Party. Ryann’s background and skills allowed her to go straight to work and the progress she has made both in organizing and with the office has been nothing short of incredible. While Ryann is working for us in a part time position now, as funds become available, we hope to make her full time in the near future.
Please contact Ryann at [email protected] if you have questions or suggestions to move us forward.
NEW APPOINTMENT: I am delighted to inform you of the recent appointment of Marsha Eisenberg, as the Director of our Voter Registration efforts in Broward County. Marsha has been an important part of the Voter Registration Team and as she moves to a leadership position in those efforts, she is counting on YOUR help to make them successful.
Please contact Marsha at [email protected] if you are interested in assisting her with our Voter Registration efforts.
OFFICER VACANCY: The position of Second Vice Chair of the Broward Democratic Party has become vacant. Our interim designee is Craig Smith, graciously serving at my request until the post is filled as outlined in our bylaws. The person in this role is designated to be the Chair of our Campaign Committee. An election to fill that position will be held on Saturday, November 13, 2021. More details on the format and duties will follow. If you have any questions or interest in running for the position, please feel free to contact me at

Please contact Craig at [email protected] if you are interested in contributing with our GOTV and fundraising efforts.
FUNDRAISING: Our new low dollar fundraising program, the Heart and Soul Club, continues to expand. The Heart and Soul Club consists of those individuals who are truly the Heart and Soul of our party. Membership is a one-time donation of $21. Membership provides you discount pricing at future Heart and Soul and events, and we will soon be announcing some additional benefits of the program.

Click The Heart and Soul Club – The Broward Democratic Party ( for more information about the Heart and Soul Club, or to join us!
In July, the Heart and Soul Club held its first ever event at Smitty’s on Sistrunk in Fort Lauderdale. Even with the Covid crisis, the event was well attended and nearly doubled its fundraising target.
Since then, we’ve added another exciting Heart and Soul Event. Details are as follows:
Burgers and “Bru” (2).jpeg)
When: Wednesday, Oct 27th, 2021
Time: 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Where: Bru’s Room Bar & Grill
10600 Pines Boulevard
Pembroke Pines, FL 33024
Ticket prices are the same as the previous event:
**$46 per ticket in honor of our 46th President, Joe Biden - Ticket price includes membership to Heart and Soul Club**
**$25 per ticket for current members of the Heart and Soul Club**
Ticket can be purchased here:
OUTREACH EFFORTS: The Broward Democrats continue to reach out to those groups and organizations that help make up our party and support our efforts. In the last month, we have had the following outreach and strategy meetings:
8/24 - Hispanic Voter Engagement Strategy Session
8/25 - Black Voter Engagement Strategy Session
8/28 - March On Voting Rights South Broward/Miami and Voter Protections Meeting
8/31 - Congressional District 20 Special Election Task Force Meeting
9/8 - Divine 9 Meeting (Fraternities & Sorority Members of the Democratic Party)
9/9 - BDP Finance Committee Meeting
9/11 - COLA (Labor) Committee Meeting (Rescheduled)
9/13 - BDP Management Coordinated Campaign & One Year Out Planning Meeting
9/15 - Hispanic Heritage Month Begins- Action Weekend- 9/18-9/19
9/21 - Broward Monthly DEC Meeting- Special Guest Speakers: BCPS Board Member, Patricia Good & Broward County Mayor, Steve Geller
9/25 - Democracy Day of Action and (Tentative)South Florida Democratic County Alliance Strategy Meeting
10/9 - BDP Mgmt. Meeting
10/9 - BDP Area Leaders and VR Team Campaign Strategy Meeting
10/14 - LGBTQ Strategy Meeting
10/26 - Asian American Outreach and Voter Engagement Strategy Mtg
"Upcoming Meetings, Actions and Events"
10/27 - Heart & Soul “Burgers & Bru’s” Fundraiser – Bru’s Room, Pembroke Pines Location
FISH FRY (Central Broward/Areas 5, 6, &7) Date TBD
TBD - South Florida Democratic Chairs & Vice Chairs/ BDP Joint Competitive Districts Meeting - (Broward, Miami-Dade, Collier and Monroe Counties)
TDB - Jewish Democratic Outreach & Voter Engagement Strategy Meeting
TBD - Young Dems Outreach , Voter Engagement & Bench Building Strategy Meeting
TBD - COLA (Labor) Committee Meeting
TBD - Teachers Caucus
**Regional action for other areas will be announced soon!**
Stay tuned for more updates from the Broward Democratic Party. Thank you for all that you do! You are the heart and soul of the organization! Take care.

Democratically yours,
Rick Hoye
Broward Democratic Party Chair
(P): 313-910-4035