From MIDTERMS WARNING (via Voto Latino) <[email protected]>
Subject 383 days...
Date October 21, 2021 10:33 PM
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We aren’t trying to be alarmist, but we’re running out of time to make an impact in next year’s midterms.

Donate to help register more Latinx voters today! [[link removed]]

If Democrats are going to maintain their majority in the House, we need to kick things into overdrive. Young Latinx voters are going to be the deciding factor in many swing counties, and -- if last year is any indication -- when we show up, we overwhelmingly show up blue.

But that doesn’t mean we can afford to sit back. Republicans are organizing harder than ever to try to flip our thin majority, so we’re registering more new voters than ever and making sure everyone who’s already registered has a plan to vote.

In the key swing states of Arizona and Georgia, the number of new voters we registered in 2020 exceeded the Democratic margin of victory.

Every $18 we raise helps us get one more Latinx voter registered and mobilized to vote, so chip in to power our voter registration campaign during this next critical year: [[link removed]]

Thank you,
Voto Latino

DONATE [[link removed]]


Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington, DC 20033
United States
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  • Sender: Vote Latino
  • Political Party: n/a
  • Country: United States
  • State/Locality: n/a
  • Office: n/a
  • Email Providers:
    • EveryAction