It's time to represent the millions who stand to benefit, not the millionaires standing in the way.
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The Latest Take from Citizens for Tax Justice

Build Back Better Deserves Better


Today, one article after another reveals that billionaire net worth is growing by leaps and bounds and wealth continues to concentrate at the top. Just this week, a Federal Reserve survey revealed the top 10 percent own 89 percent of all stock.

President Biden proposed the Build Back Better agenda because he and other national leaders recognize the nation can and should do more to unrig the playing field and move the nation closer to the ideal of widespread opportunity and shared prosperity.

The proposed CTC expansion is part of that agenda. Already, a temporary CTC expansion enacted earlier this year is working as intended. The credit has lifted millions of children out of poverty. The monthly payments ($250 for each child age 6 and over, and $300 for each child under age 6) are helping low- to middle-income parents pay for their children’s basic needs, pay for child care, dig out of debt or just worry less about how to make ends meet. Read more.


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