This is serious.

Tim Alexander For Congress

John, we’re rushing to you with a critical update:

New reports show Rep. Jeff Van Drew has raised a total of $1.3 million JUST this year.

This is not what we wanted to see.

Tim knew Jeff Van Drew wouldn’t be a typical opponent. He has Donald Trump and his vast network of mega-money donors backing him up. And the numbers speak for themselves.

But Tim’s never backed down from a tough fight in his life. Our average donation to emails like this one is just $24.12. Can you make a $24.12 contribution to build our movement and defeat Rep. Jeff Van Drew?

Chip in $24.12

While Jeff Van Drew builds himself a war chest fueled by special interests and big-name donors, we’re building a people-powered movement fueled by small-dollar grassroots donors like yourself, John.

And we promise you this: Tim will never take a CENT of Corporate PAC money.

As a former law enforcement officer, survivor of police brutality, and civil rights attorney, Tim Alexander knows what it takes to win tough battles. He’ll never back down from Jeff Van Drew and the GOP mega money machine.

But the only way we can take on Jeff Van Drew’s colossal war chest is with the power of small-dollar donations. Can we count on your $24.12 to help Tim grow a powerful grassroots movement capable of taking down Jeff Van Drew and his mountain of special interest cash?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Donate $5 Donate $24.12 Donate $50
Donate $100 Donate $250 Other


Team Alexander

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Tim Alexander is a former detective and civil rights attorney, running to defeat Trump loyalist Jeff Van Drew in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District.
Can you rush a $5 donation to help fuel our grassroots movement and flip this seat blue? >>>


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