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It's time to get out to vote!  

We have TWELVE days to talk to our neighbors about the importance of this election.  Join me this weekend to support Anita Prizio for County Council, Elizabeth Dunn for Shaler Area School Board, Ed Gainey for Mayor of Pittsburgh, and the Sharpsburg for All slate.  
Joint Millvale Canvass with Elizabeth Dunn and Anita Prizio,
Co-Hosted by Sara Innamorato 

Saturday, October 23rd | 11 - 2 PM 
Vintage 416 | 416 North Avenue, Millvale, PA 15209 
Have you made a plan to vote by November 2nd?
Voting at the Polls 
Do you know where you will be voting?  Find your polling place here.  Polls are open from 7 AM until 8 PM on Tuesday, November 2nd.  

Voting by Mail-in Ballot
Have you received your mail-in ballot?  Track your Mail-in Ballot or Absentee Ballot status using the PA Voter Services Ballot Tracker

Learn what's on the ballot at
GOTV CommUnity Rally & Canvass with Summer Lee, Gainey for Mayor, and UNITE! 
Sunday, October 24th | 10 AM - 1 PM
Allegheny Commons Park, Northeast Foundation 
Sharpsburg for All Get Out The Vote Canvass
Join Sara Innamorato, Anita Prizio, and the SFA candidates to knock doors in Sharpsburg
Friday, October 22nd | 5 - 6:30 PM
1500 N. Canal Street, Sharpsburg, PA 15215 
Do you want to volunteer on Election Day?
Cover the polls on November 2nd
Help local campaigns cover the polls by volunteering to stand outside of polling places across Allegheny County informing voters of their options.  Sign up for the entire day OR a partial shift today.  

Be a poll worker
Earn from $150 to $175 to be a poll worker to help facilitate the November 2nd election.  To apply to be a poll worker, please complete a poll worker application online.  
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