From Will Marshall, PPI <[email protected]>
Subject Remember, Democrats: Business Isn't the Enemy
Date October 21, 2021 6:14 PM
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FEATURING: A discussion on how big businesses strengthened the economy and stimulated job growth during the COVID-19 recession. 

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Remember, Democrats: Business Isn't the Enemy ([link removed])
Will Marshall, Founder and President of the Progressive Policy Institute

** for The Hill ([link removed])
"Listen to almost any speech by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) or members of the "Squad," and it quickly becomes apparent who the villains are in their anti-capitalist morality play: billionaires and big corporations. As they tell it, these sinister forces have rigged the economic game, crushed the working class, enfeebled unions, pushed inequality to record levels and corrupted our elected representatives with campaign cash.

As with most conspiracy theories, there are shards of truth in this dark narrative. But much is left out. The same "Big Tech" and e-commerce companies that some Democrats threaten to break up helped Americans stay connected to family and friends, keep working and learning, and shop without leaving home during the pandemic shutdowns. They also generated the most robust job growth during the COVID recession. Major drug companies, ritually flayed by politicians for high prices, also have banked good karma by coming up with highly sophisticated and effective COVID vaccines in record time."

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