Working people across the country are on strike. We’ll be on the picket line until we get what we deserve on the job: fair pay, paid leave and good benefits. Working people are rising up this #Striketober.

Hi John,


Working people, rise up! Thousands of workers are going on strike, so October is now known as Striketober. We made a map of all the strikes happening across the country—support one near you:

Working people keep our country running through this pandemic. Many corporations are even making record profits!


But as union members negotiate new contracts, we’re being told we have to give things up: lower wages, losing benefits and fewer days off.


And working people are saying NO.


As AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler said, “The strikes are sending a signal, no doubt about it, that employers ignore workers at their peril. I think this wave of strikes is actually going to inspire more workers to stand up and speak [out].”


So across the country, across industries…we’re speaking out and saying that we’re ready to go on strike to get the fair treatment we deserve.


So if you support working people, find a strike near you.


In Solidarity,




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