Hey John, I'm Sol Sandoval. And I'm emailing to respectfully ask if you'll join my grassroots campaign to unseat QAnon-conspiracist and extreme right-wing Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-CO).
Here's why I'm coming to you right now:
News *just* broke that Boebert raised nearly $807,000 from far-right Trump loyalists across the country in Q3 — with over half of that coming from big-dollar donors. I don't mean to be alarmist, John, but that kind of money poses a
serious challenge to our efforts to flip this seat blue by defeating her.
I couldn't be prouder that together, we've already made our scrappy, honest, and grassroots campaign the clear front-runner in this race. But that also means, as the only progressive Democrat running to flip this seat, that we need to fight back against her deep-pocketed mega-donors with one important thing: People power.
Together, we have the opportunity to defeat Boebert and add another Democratic voice for working people to Congress in her place. John, can I count on your support?
Add your name using this link if you're with me in this people-powered campaign to defeat Boebert once and for all. We're up against Trump's major corporate Mar-a-Lago donors, so we need every person we can get to join our movement to fight back.
Add your name →
Our campaign is now the single best-positioned campaign in the entire field to go toe-to-toe against Lauren Boebert — one of the worst extreme-right politicians we've seen in a generation — in the general election.
That means it's our movement for working people vs. Lauren Boebert. We're the only thing standing in the way of her and another two years damaging not just our community here in CO-3, but undermining our nation's democracy.
Together, and only together, can we flip this seat blue and add another voice for working families to Washington. Will you add your name right now to join my campaign and fuel our important fight to unseat Lauren Boebert from Congress?
Sol Sandoval
Candidate for Colorado's 3rd Congressional District