From Esta Gordon Epstein - ADL National Chair <[email protected]>
Subject VIEW: Amanda Gorman kicks off ADL No Place For Hate school year
Date October 21, 2021 4:32 PM
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Dear John,

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one video you won&rsquo;t want to miss.

The amazing Amanda Gorman joined us earlier this month to kick off ADL&rsquo;s national No Place for Hate program, which teaches and inspires 1.3 million students each year to fight bias, bullying and bigotry in our schools.

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In my 35+ years as a volunteer ADL leader I have rarely been as inspired as I was by Amanda&rsquo;s words, her message and her dialogue with student leaders across the country.

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Watch this video and you won&rsquo;t be disappointed, as the nation&rsquo;s first National Youth Poet Laurate, Amanda Gorman blessed our virtual stage with intelligence, humor and hope.

Moreover, you will hear firsthand how No Place for Hate makes a difference to students across America.

I hope you enjoy this short program as much as I did.

Esta Gordon Epstein
Chair, Board of Directors

P.S. If you are the parent of a high school student, please share our invitation with them to join an empowering virtual series as part of
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Never Is Now, the world&rsquo;s largest annual summit on antisemitism and hate. By registering, they will have access not only to exclusive panels for students ready to make a difference, but to every panel at the Summit, which runs from Nov. 7-9. This is their chance to take a seat at the table among some of the most visionary speakers and thought leaders fighting hate for good.
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