
Did you hear the news? Thanks to your support, one of the Pelosi-obsessed Democrats running against me, saw the light and dropped out of the race for TX-24!

She knew she didn’t meet the standards of our state. When the people of North Texas needed her doing her elected job in Austin, she went A.W.O.L and was partying it up with her State-Democrat colleagues in D.C.! Now, thanks to your support, I have one less Democrat to worry about...but our fight isn’t over!

The Radical Left is sure to be throwing even more money behind my remaining opponents, and with November getting closer and closer, I know they’re starting to feel the heat! We can’t let up, we have to keep going full speed ahead showing the Radical Left they have no hope of winning here in TX-24!
I am so thankful to have such dedicated patriots on my Team. You have played a monumental role in helping me show the Radical Left they can’t stop us, and you are the reason I wake up every morning ready to put Texas and America First!

With you by my side, I know we will win big in 2022 and begin to bring America the policies it needs to get back on track. The fight isn’t over, which is why I am counting on you to keep up this momentum!
For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne