Dear Friend of the Institute,

Thirty-five years ago this month we founded the Levy Institute to create an alternative to mainstream voices in economics and public policy. Carrying that mission forward depends, as it always has, on supporters like you. With your help, we can lay the groundwork for the next decade and more—and it starts this month.

Thanks to a transformational challenge from the Open Society Foundations, qualifying gifts and commitments to Bard College that are designated for the creation of the Levy Economics Institute’s endowment will be met dollar-for-dollar to double the impact of your giving. When you earmark your pledge to the Levy Institute, you will be securing the foundation for innovative and progressive research programs that aim to reorient our approach to economic problems, influence the policymaking conversation, and shape the next generation of thinkers, teachers, practitioners, and policymakers.

Make your gift count. Please join fellow Levy Institute supporters to ensure the continuation of our research and educational programs.


Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, President

Your gift or commitment to the Levy Institute’s endowment may be made either as a pledge of cash or securities over a period of up to five years, or as a planned commitment in the form of a bequest or other assets; to meet the terms of the challenge, pledges and planned gifts must be irrevocable, documented, and must include a total dollar amount or estimate. If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected] or 845-758-7711

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