Antidiscrimination laws could help renters keep their homes
The end of the pandemic-related federal eviction moratorium has put millions of renters at risk of housing instability and eviction. With some landlords not accepting rent relief, the risk for renters is even greater. Researchers at the Urban Institute explored one way to protect tenants through source-of-income discrimination laws, which prevent landlords from denying or otherwise discriminating against renters based on the income they use to pay rent.
What challenges do Tennessee families face in accessing social services?
Social safety net programs can be critical in helping families with low incomes meet their basic needs and ensure their children’s healthy development, but various barriers to access exist. With a focus on the administrative burdens, researchers at Vanderbilt University investigated the challenges these families face in accessing social services in Tennessee. They provide insights into the costs individuals and organizations face and share recommendations for alleviating burdens on organizations and families with low incomes.
Policies for Action grantee Haydar Kurban of Howard University was awarded one of two grants by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to establish a center with the goal of achieving an equitable and inclusive society through policy change and implementation.