Stop Deathskammer: Light & Fright Costume Rally to Stop Danskammer
Tuesday, October 26th, 4pm sharp
Meet at West Capitol Park (cross streets are State and S. Swan St) in Albany, NY
RSVP here | Facebook event
We’ll meet at West Capitol Park (see map below). Meter parking is available around the park (come early if you can in case it's hard to find a space). We'll have a staging area at the edge of the park, along State Street (across from the Legislative Office Building). We'll hold our press conference and rally outside the State St. entrance to the Capitol Building. Then we'll cross State Street for a short Deathskammer Halloween parade around the pedestrian concourse, and wrap up back at West Capitol Park with free pizza and soft drinks! 🍕 (Please RSVP to be included in the food order.)