Welcome to Thursday, October 21st, loofahs and poufs...
Senate Republicans voted Wednesday to defeat Democrats’ Freedom to Vote Act.

The vote went strictly along party-lines in the evenly-divided Senate, with all Democrats voting in favor and all Republicans opposed. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) changed his vote from “yea” to “nay” so that he can potentially bring the motion up for another vote in the future, making the final margin 49-51.

Wednesday’s vote marks the second time Senate Republicans have blocked Democrats’ efforts to overhaul the nation’s election laws this Congress, as a similar procedural motion on the For the People Act also failed on a 50-50 vote in late June. 

Schumer said Wednesday that it’s untenable for the Senate minority to block debate on Democrats’ election reform bill, foreshadowing a potential increase in pressure on Manchin and Sinema to eliminate the filibuster: 

“What we can’t accept is a situation where one side is calling for bipartisan debate and bipartisan cooperation while the other refuses to even engage in a dialogue. If our Republican colleagues don’t like our ideas they have a responsibility to present their own.”

Do you support or oppose Democrats pursuing election reform along party-lines?

What is The Drug-Free Communities Pandemic Relief Act?

This bill authorizes the Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program, subject to certain limitations, to waive matching funds requirements that apply to grants for reducing substance abuse among youth. 

Under current law, the Office of National Drug Control Policy administers the program, and community coalitions that receive the grants must match a specified percentage of the federal award amount with non-federal funds, including in-kind contributions.

Do you support this legislation?

Experience the Chills (& Scorching Heat) of Climate Halloween

This Halloween, dress up as one of the thousands of animals facing extinction, ring the doorbell of global leaders, and demand action on the Climate Emergency.

Learn more and participate here

All the Memes Fit to Post


And, In The End...

Warm hugs for our cold-blooded friends.

—Josh Herman

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