To commemorate Black History Month — and in light of the upcoming COP26 climate summit in Glasgow — we’re delighted to invite you to join a webinar hosted by Positive Money UK and the newly established Positive Money US [1]:
Free webinar: The Case for Climate Reparations
With special guests:
Dr Keston Perry, Political Economist and Assistant Professor of African Studies at Williams College
Asad Rehman, Executive Director of War on Want
Runaway climate change is accelerating ecological breakdown, with extreme weather events devastating communities around the world. It's no secret that climate chaos is fuelled by the corporate greed of fossil fuel financiers, based mainly in the UK and US. And these financial institutions acquired a significant proportion of their wealth by the genocide, exploitation and oppression of Black people. [2]
In 2020, the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement sparked much-needed debate about the presence of institutional racism within every facet of society, forcing institutions to reconsider how white supremacy and the legacy of colonialism continues to harm Black communities today - whether it's in the economy, failures in healthcare, or discrimination in the justice system.
Similarly with the climate crisis, it's countries in the global North that fund and emit a much higher proportion of carbon emissions - whilst Black, Brown and indigenous communities in the global South are battling the most deadly consequences of climate breakdown.
So how do we seek reparative justice for the millions of lives lost to both climate and racial injustice?
With COP26 fast approaching, it's likely that rich nations will avoid responsibility for the destabilisation of former colonies, and continue to offer meagre pledges of aid. But international aid is still provided on terms set by the former colonial powers, and was never designed to end the systematic inequalities established by British, European and American imperialism that still persist today. Instead, climate reparations aim to compensate and support countries on the frontlines of climate injustice, and hold rich nations to account for their role in ecological breakdown.
This webinar aims to help raise climate reparations to the forefront of climate change discourse. It will bring together a diverse panel of speakers with wide-ranging expertise within activism, economics, climate finance and racial justice.
Please join us on Wednesday 27th October at 7pm via Zoom, for a special event filled with insight, discussion and debate. Please click the button below to register for the free webinar now:
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!
Akiksha & Nicole
Positive Money US & Positive Money UK
[1] Follow Positive Money US on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
[2] To find out more about the role the financial industry played in slavery, check out our Exploring Banking, Race and Colonialism blog series here
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