TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; click here to hear today's report
#CareCantWait Power Up to #BuildBackBetter with Care gathering: Thu, October 21, 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Union Square on the west side of the Capitol lawn off 3rd Street SW, between Constitution Ave NW and Independence Ave SW; and near the Capitol Reflecting Pool. (map)
Co-sponsored by the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW); your voice, presence, and power are urgently needed in DC to show that child care, paid family and medical leave, home- and community-based services, extending the Child Tax Credit expansion, living wages, and a path to citizenship for care workers can’t wait! These policies are job enabling and job creating. They boost our economy and our families, and we need them now!
Online Forum: Workers Challenging Private Equity to Create Good Jobs: Thu, October 21, 1:00pm – 2:30pm
The Private Equity Stakeholder Project and the Cornell ILR Worker Institute invite you to an online forum
that will feature workers employed by private equity-owned companies, speaking about how they are standing up and fighting for good jobs.
Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, October 21, 1pm – 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or listen online.
Guests: MWC president Dyana Forester on "Ending Violence in Our DC Communities," LCLAA's Xochitl Cobarruvias on Latina Equal Pay Day & sportswriter Dave Zirin on how the National Women’s Soccer League players are showing their power.
Baltimore Labor Council meeting: Thu, October 21, 7pm – 9pm
Email for call-in details: [email protected]
DC Jobs with Justice 20th Anniversary I'll Be There Awards: Thu, October 21, 7pm – 9pm
Ticket info here.
NoVA Labor monthly meeting: Thu, October 21, 7pm – 9pm
Zoom; see above for link.
The agenda includes strike and organizing updates; report from the Women's Professional Soccer League Players Association; international solidarity programs with unions in Mexico and Myanmar; PRO Act campaign, and more. Terry McAuliffe plans to stop by to remind us what is at stake in this election for workers, and Rep. Don Beyer will update us on what is happening in Congress with the Build Back Better agenda.
NoVA Labor monthly meetings are open to all friends of labor.