Friend – this is big: The Biden administration just officially asked the Supreme Court to block Texas' abortion ban, and the Court's decision could come within days.
I'm hoping and praying that the Court makes the right decision here. But you know as well as I do the reality of how this conservative majority – which my opponent Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) was instrumental in cementing – might rule. As we've seen with how things have played out in Texas, we cannot rely on the courts to protect our right to choose.
We need to guarantee every American's reproductive rights in a way that isn't dependent on the whims of controversially appointed justices – and the only way to do that is through codifying Roe v. Wade into law. Sen. Grassley supports the exact opposite and has spent his whole career undermining reproductive freedoms. (I'm more resolved than ever to defeat Sen. Grassley, and you can pitch in a donation here to help me win.)
To be clear, Sen. Grassley is responsible for Texas' extreme abortion ban going into effect in the first place. As then-chair of the Judiciary Committee, Sen. Grassley blocked consideration of President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, and then rammed through two of Donald Trump's nominees, who in turn allowed Texas' law to go into effect. When Americans – the vast majority of whom support Roe v. Wade – look at the Supreme Court and see a far-right conservative majority that doesn't reflect them and our country today, they have Sen. Grassley to blame.
This is why it's so important that we protect our Senate majority – and elect pro-choice women to the Senate who will fight for our right to choose. I can promise you I am ready for those fights, because I've taken them on before in the Iowa House and in Congress. I know what those tough fights look like and I will always – always – stand by my values.
So ahead of the Supreme Court's imminent decision, I'm asking you to make a donation to my campaign to defeat Sen. Grassley, elect a pro-choice woman to the Senate and bring real leadership to Iowa – leadership that will always fight for our right to choose. Please, can you donate $5 to my campaign so that we can flip Iowa blue, expand our Senate majority and codify Roe v. Wade for future generations? Every dollar gets us one step closer to defeating Sen. Grassley.
I know that these are difficult times for so many of us. So I sincerely thank you for all that you do and for standing with me in this fight.
– Abby