According to census data released in August, West Virginia’s population fell by 60,000 people — a higher percentage of its residents than any other U.S. state.
West Virginians are struggling, but restoring balance in our economy so ALL people can prosper, not just the rich and corporations, is within our reach if we pass the Build Back Better Act.
That’s why we’re launching a six-figure television ad buy to urge Manchin to stand with his constituents and support the Build Back Better Act. Can you contribute $3 or more to help us reach more West Virginians with this message? Every dollar raised supports our organizing efforts on the ground and helps us keep this ad running.
Contribute $3
The Build Back Better Act would invest in working families by expanding the child tax credit and would increase the economic security of 346,000 West Virginian children. Provisions for affordable child care would save a typical WV family $103 a week, and a plan for universal preschool would allow 14,000 West Virginian children to enroll in preschool.
For the West Virginians left behind by the coal and gas companies — the Build Back Better Act would make historic investments to transition the country to a clean energy economy that would produce millions of green jobs. And the Earned Income Tax Credit would further support 103,000 low-wage West Virginia workers.
These investments, and so much more are fully paid for, just by making sure that the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share. But the future of the Build Back Better Act is in jeopardy. Joe Manchin can either deliver the once-in-a-generation boost his constituents need, or he can stand with the corporations fighting against investments for West Virginians.
WFP is on the ground to make sure that Joe Manchin stands with his constituents to get jobs and care for West Virginians. We’re organizing in-person actions, launching messaging campaigns, and mobilizing members and supporters to make sure that Manchin delivers. Can we count on you to power our organizing by making a contribution today?
Contribute $3
In solidarity,
All of us at the Working Families Party

Become a Working Families Party Member! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight.
Paid for by Working Families Party National PAC (77 Sands St. #6, Brooklyn, NY, 11201).