Dear John,
It’s Ruby Dehkharghani, NIAC DC Metro Area Leadership Councilmember and one of NIAC’s 40/40 honorees! As you know, NIAC has been hosting Open Mics every month--and I've been so awed by the amazing artists, singers, writers, and poets that have graced us with their talents.
That's why I'm so excited that NIAC DC Metro Area Chapter will be hosting the next Open Mic night on Thursday, October 28th at 4pm PT/7pm ET.
The Open Mic will feature acclaimed poet, Peabody Award winner, and the Roshan Chair of Persian Studies at the University of Maryland, Dr. Fatemeh Keshavarz. Dr Keshavarz will kick off the event with a discussion about the significance of classical Persian poetry in the everyday lives of Iranian Americans.

Thursday, October 28 at 4pm PT/7pm ET
Open-mics are only open to local NIAC chapter members, so you must check the box to confirm chapter membership in the RSVP form. So reserve your spot today and don’t miss out on a memorable night of poetry and storytelling!
See you there!
Ruby Dehkharghani
NIAC DC Metro Area Leadership Council Member & 40/40 Honoree
P.S. You can learn more about Dr. Keshavarz by listening to her podcast, checking out her interview on NPR, or listening to one of her talks.