Jim Cooper for Congress

Hi there,

Jim never stops fighting for Nashville and Middle Tennessee.

He’s been a champion for the Child Tax Credit, which is cutting child poverty in half, and is leading the fight for historic investments in infrastructure, education, affordable health care, housing, and green energy.

We want to make sure our supporters are kept in the loop about Jim’s important work, since your grassroots support is what makes it all possible.

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And don’t forget to follow Jim on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

We’re glad to have you with us, friend.

Christopher Jerrolds
Campaign Manager
Team Cooper

Jim Cooper is a strong voice in Congress for Middle Tennessee and the Biden agenda. He’s fighting for universal affordable health care, voting rights, investments in our communities, and more. But redistricting is coming up and the GOP is threatening to tear the 5th district apart. Will you stand with Jim to protect Nashville's Democratic voice in Congress?

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Jim Cooper for Congress
P.O. Box 198497
Nashville, TN 37219
United States