
This is Rep. Van Taylor. My friend Beth Van Duyne and I need your help to ensure we take back the House in 2022. D.C. Democrats believe they can use their elite Socialist donors to buy the seats we represent on behalf of North Texans and turn Texas into another blue state like New York or California!

We cannot let this happen. As a Trump-endorsed conservative, Beth spends every day fighting for the America First Agenda. Her unwavering commitment to the people and our God-given freedoms has made her a priority target for the Democrats. That is why we need your support!
If the Democrats have it their way, America will be another Socialist country with unrelenting government control of our lives and no hope for a brighter, more prosperous future. But, with strong Conservatives like Beth and I standing in their way, we know we can stop them. 

In order for us to make sure we retake the House in 2022, we need your help. Can we count on you before it’s too late?
Thank you for your support,
Congressman Van Taylor, TX-3