Hey john! 

As an AAF fan, you probably weren’t caught off guard when the Texas legislature enacted their absolutely bonkers SB8 into law. But didn’t it seem like everyone else was? 

There have been more than 100 abortion restrictions enacted just this year! AS IN THIS YEAR THAT STILL ISN’T OVER YET!!! AND THIS MONTH ISN’T EVEN OVER YET!!!

I know what you’re thinking - Lizz - how am I supposed to keep up with all this information? 

You know AAF has got you!

This barrage of hot garbage is why we turned our YouTube Channel into a 5-hour telethon, going live to 25 cities during the March for Abortion Justice on October 2nd. 

Moji Alawode-El, Marie Khan, and I talked to some incredible abortion providers, funds, escorts, and activists from more than 30 groups*** in Texas, KentuckyNew Mexico, Mississippi and more!


Now what if I told you we have a plan to bring you all that awesomeness of abortion access activism WEEKLY (and not 5 hours long)?! 


Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and join me, Moji, and Marie on IG Live today at 3pm ET! We are chatting with special guests Greg Proops and Margaret Cho to talk about our new show - Feminist Buzzkills Live!


Feminist Buzzkills Live! is a no-holds-barred feminist comedy talk show that breaks down news from patriarchy’s evil trilogy of misogyny, white supremacy and anti-abortion extremism. 


It’s everything you’d expect from your Abortion Access Front friends.

So don’t MISS OUT on any of the hilarity! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and then join me over on IG Live at 3pm ET TODAY!  


Yours in solidarity, 



***Want to do your part for these absolute heroes? Check out all of the calls to action and ways to get involved! They have SO many things for you to do like volunteer, send a postcard, make a call, or even get hired



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