As auto companies move toward lower emissions, the market share of EVs will grow. To make this shift to EVs work for our communities, we need policies that promote U.S. manufacturing and good union jobs.

Hi John,


We need policies that promote U.S. manufacturing and good union jobs. The Build Back Better Act does exactly that by giving consumers a tax credit if they purchase a union-made electric vehicle (EV) made in the U.S. Sign the petition to tell Congress that you support this groundbreaking policy.

As all auto companies, both here and abroad, move toward lower emissions, the market share of EVs will grow. To make the shift to EVs work for our communities, we need policies that promote U.S. manufacturing and good union jobs.


Right now, there is a provision in the Build Back Better Act that does just that by giving consumers an additional tax credit if they purchase a union-made electric vehicle made in the U.S. That’s right—union-made.


The House and Senate are likely to vote on the legislation within the next few weeks. Without such groundbreaking policies, our country will likely continue to slip further behind foreign competitors in the production of EVs with no assurance that future automobile technologies will be built by union members in the United States.


The tax credit of an additional $4,500 for union-made electric vehicles made in the U.S. is a win for UAW members, unorganized autoworkers and the entire labor movement. The provision:

  • Supports the high standards in wages, benefits and safety that UAW members have bargained for in the auto industry.
  • Incentivizes nonunion companies to stop spending millions on union-busters and to allow their workers to form their unions freely.
  • Encourages U.S. auto manufacturers to bring back the jobs they offshored.

This provision recognizes the importance of unionized workers as the front line for creating good-paying, safe jobs for the entire auto industry. It’s public policy that invests in workers and communities, and should be a model going forward for all industries.


Sign the petition now!


In Solidarity,




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