Thank you! 

Your prayers leading up to and during General Synod were palpably felt! For those of you familiar with Synods past, you know it's not uncommon for words, actions, and emotions to run hot. This year was not that. Whether it was the incredible scenery, the effects of 18-months in isolation, or the holy machinations of the Spirit, our time in Tucson was blessed. I believe no small part of that was the prayers, support, and encouragement that rose from the RfA family. Thank you, and please, don't stop praying for this organization and denomination we all love!
Below is a brief (as brief as possible, at least) synopsis of the major happenings at General Synod 2021, including the items we considered in the RfA workbook review. For a fuller recap of the decisions, considerations, and happenings of the General Synod, click here. The RCA's communications staff has chronicled the decisions in a thorough and helpful way.
The 2020 Vision Team's Report
Recommendation 1 (passed): To form a team to study the restructuring of the denomination "with a view to optimizing the RCA’s sustained spiritual and organizational health.” This team may include affinity classes around human sexuality (or affinities around myriad ways of doing ministry). Questions around who makes up this team and ensuring LGBTQIA representation remain and continue to require prayer. 

Recommendation 2 (denied): To form an independant nonprofit organization that would take on the RCA Global Missions programming, along with a chunk of the RCA Global Missions budget. There were concerns that this would effectively "outsource" RCA missions, about the cost and long-term efficacy of such an organization, and what would happen to mission partners around the globe who are only welcome in their host countries by virtue of a longtime RCA presence and mutual trust.

Recommendation 3 (passed): To create a streamlined denomination-wide path and process for those congregations who continue to feel called to leave the RCA. While we already have a constitutionally mandated process for this, this new process ensures it is carried out equitably in all classes, providing a "mutually grace-filled" off-ramp for these congregations to continue doing ministry in their new chosen home. There remain some questions around how this effects the churches left in newly-diminished classes, and how grace will be shown to them by those leaving. Prayer is still needed as this process is bound to be heavy and difficult, even if grace-filled.

Overture 10 (referred)
Colloquially known as the "two-Synod overture," the overture was ultimately referred to the team that will be formed to handle 2020 Vision Recommendation #1 (above) along with the Commissions on Theology and Church Order.
Overture 11 (denied)
This overture, aiming to craft a "Truth and Grace" commission to seek out and discipline ministers not adhering to conservative views of human sexuality, was rejected by the General Synod (this overture was denied by a resounding 160-41 vote, for context).
Affirmed and Celebrated Paper (referred)

The paper, coming from New Brunswick Classis, was referred to the Commission on Theology for study, as requested.

Western Theological Seminary (referred)
The request from WTS, to move to an "affiliate status" with the RCA (similar to Central, Hope, and Northwestern Colleges) was referred to the General Synod Council in consultation with the Commission on Church Order.
Other Items of Note
  • New Brunswick Theological Seminary President Rev. Dr. Micah L. McCreary was elected as the newest General Synod Professor of Theology, and current GS Professors Rev. Dr. Cornelis Kors and Rev. Dr. Tim Brown were elected Professors Emeriti.
  • Rev. Dwayne Jackson of Second Reformed Hackensack, NJ was elected as Vice President of the General Synod. Sitting Vice President, Rev. Phil Assink of First Reformed Oak Harbor, WA was elected President.
  • The synod heard prayers and statements of support from ecumenical colleagues in the CRCNA, ELCA, PC(USA), UCC, and the UMC. 
  • All ten of the Commission on Christian Action's recommendations were passed. These include calls to support our Indigenous and Tribal communities (amended to include annual land acknowledgements for our meeting spaces), crafting a liturgy of lament for the roles the RCA and her members have oppressed the Black, Brown, and Indigenous peoples of North America, items relating to climate change and energy-efficiency in GSC buildings and vehicles, requesting the Congress of the United States repeal the 2002 Iraq War Powers Authorization for Use of Military Force, and annually print a 9-point guideline for civil discourse based on the fruits of the Spirit.
  • The Church Growth Fund's request to continue loans to former RCA congregations was approved, both to embody grace-filled separation as well as for the long-term financial health of the CGF.

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