For years, Big Tech monopolies have been abusing their power by blatantly self-dealing and rigging marketplaces in their favor.

Hey there --

For years, Big Tech monopolies have been abusing their power by blatantly self-dealing and rigging marketplaces in their favor. 

For instance, when you search on Amazon, you’ll likely see Amazon’s own products at the top of the results. This self-preferencing gives Big Tech corporations like Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple a leg up in the digital marketplace—undermining fair competition for small business owners, preventing entrepreneurs from entering the market, and limiting choice for consumers.

This hypothetical visualization based on research from The Markup shows how Amazon elevates their own products within their search results in ways that are oftentimes unclear to consumers—mixing their own products with advertised products.

But a new bipartisan piece of legislation in the U.S. Senate can end this unfair advantage for Big Tech corporations. Rather than Big Tech favoring their own products or kneecapping competitors to pad their profits, this bipartisan bill would level the playing field and put real choice in the hands of consumers. Urge your senators to support the newly proposed bipartisan American Innovation and Choice Online Act:

Democrats and Republicans are coming together to ban Big Tech monopolies from rigging online marketplaces to promote their own products. This is our moment to rein in Big Tech’s monopoly power to ensure competition and innovation in the digital marketplace.

Call your senators or send them a quick email to urge them to support this legislation to #ReinInBigTech.

Together, we’re taking on monopoly power to protect consumers.

Thanks for your support,


Nicole Gill
Co-founder and Executive Director
Accountable Tech


As a small non-profit standing up to the world’s most powerful Big Tech companies, we need all the help we can get. Please consider chipping in to support Accountable Tech:

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