My name is Ryan Frankenberry, West Virginia Working Families Party State Director. The freedom to vote is one of the most powerful tools we have in our democracy, and it's under attack.
Today, the Senate votes on essential voting rights legislation and we’re coming together to urge our elected officials to protect our freedom to vote.That's why we're relaying from West Virginia to D.C. to protect our freedom to vote.
Get in the fight by joining us at our Freedom to Vote rally at the finish line in DC on Saturday! Click here to join us for the rally in DC on Saturday, October 23rd from 11:30 AM to 1 PM.
Our Democracy is at stake, and we can't wait any longer for Congress to take action. That’s why we’re going from West Virginia to DC to make sure our elected officials hear our demands.
Hope you can join us!
In Solidarity,
Ryan Frankenberry
West Virginia Working Families Party

Become a Working Families Party Member! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight.
This is a message from DC Working Families Party.